"The lights on the tree go; blink, blink, blink...."

A really lovely themed swimming lesson for this time of the year is decorating the Christmas trees.
What you need:
Green craft foam cut in to shape of a christmas tree.
Coloured craft foam cut in the shape of stockings
Coloured pom poms
Coloured ping pong balls
Laminated sheets with the different light patterns
Movement cube with pockets & laminated dots
Download your FREE string the light game PLUS your tree template (scroll to the end).

Place the trees out.

Have the lights patterns with the ice cube trays.

Place the "lights" (ping pong balls) at a distance away from the starting point based on age and ability.
The children pick a tree with a light pattern they like.
They remember their first light colour.
Swim down and collect their first light.
Then return and place on the ice cube tray (stops the balls from rolling in to the water).
They check the next colour.
You can add different moves they have to do whilst collecting the balls. For example, blowing the light back, moving it with their heads, splashing them back, throwing them back (have them figure a way to get it back).

The children then had to get their baubles (pom poms) for their trees.
We had different ways of moving down in the water. For example: on their noodles riding their elf carts, reindeers, sleigh.
I added directional work with them (similar to Simon says game).

Afterwards the children climbed out and threw the movement cube with laminated coloured dots (that are the same colours as the craft foam stockings).
The colour that it landed on was the stocking they would go down, climb out and bring back for under their tree.
I asked them to go on their backs for this as the stockings are great to place on their foreheads or chests.

I also added in some wall walks and some independent swim practices.

One of the children's creations.
Happy decorating!
Get your FREE string the lights printabke and tree template.
If you are looking for some more christmas activities or game ideas click HERE.